A. left for a scouting trip to New Jersey before I arrived home from work. All the lights in the upstairs were left on-not particularly unusual for him. His clothing was left in a pile in the kitchen (not where I would change my clothes) and had not flushed the toilet (use your imagination).
This is the child who rails against our giving him specific step by step instructions "because I know what to do!" "you don't have to tell me everything". Hmmmmm
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
A tissue please
I watched a couple of movies this weekend while my husband was away visiting his grandmother. Romantic comedy was on the agenda.
I watched 27 Dresses, which my sister reviewed and didn't love. I liked it. It was predictable, but I don't want any crazy surprises like the heroine getting offed in the last minute of the movie.
Movie # 2 was P.S. I love you. It was not what I had anticipated based on the jacket cover. It was about a couple who had been married 10 years, and the husband dies (in the first 10 minutes, we don't see this, we join in at the wake). Not so much comedy. 3 weeks after the funeral is the wife's birthday and her husband had arranged a cake and letter to be delivered to her. He tells her to go out and do certain things and that there will be other letters to come. So the movie is her remembering their love, mourning him, and learning she must go on . I would alternately laugh and then cry. It was a tissue box movie. Good thing I was alone.
I watched 27 Dresses, which my sister reviewed and didn't love. I liked it. It was predictable, but I don't want any crazy surprises like the heroine getting offed in the last minute of the movie.
Movie # 2 was P.S. I love you. It was not what I had anticipated based on the jacket cover. It was about a couple who had been married 10 years, and the husband dies (in the first 10 minutes, we don't see this, we join in at the wake). Not so much comedy. 3 weeks after the funeral is the wife's birthday and her husband had arranged a cake and letter to be delivered to her. He tells her to go out and do certain things and that there will be other letters to come. So the movie is her remembering their love, mourning him, and learning she must go on . I would alternately laugh and then cry. It was a tissue box movie. Good thing I was alone.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
vagaries of the weather
Yesterday 76 and bright sunshine. Today 50 and overcast. Blah. Welcome to November!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Boo to you
May the force be with you. As you can see,we had a star wars themed halloween. Surprisingly, with the popularity of star wars this year, we were the only group clad as such. Usual large amount of teens in no costume or in football jerseys- I want them to put forth a little effort and dress up if they want candy!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pet Peeves
Does anyone love self check out? It seems like a good idea-usually minimal wait, scan bar codes, pay and go. It just never works out that way no matter how optimistic I am. A month or so ago, I went to the self check out in our local grocery and ended up marching away disgusted after my purchases were rejected by the oh so pleasantly voiced computer. Today I went to the hardware store and bought 1 can of spray paint. Ever hopeful, I went to the self check out, scanned then received the dreaded message on the screen "Help is needed with this item, please wait". HAH! I picked up my can, and patiently waited in line behind an elderly couple buying decorative cabbage (how bizarre). The human check out did not have any difficulty scanning my paint. Never again will I be lured by the self check out.
I also ran into the grocery store to pick up a few things we were out of and brought along 2 of my reusable bags. The checker ( a woman who appeared to be in her 50's) carried on a whole long conversation with another checker for the duration of my order. When, due to her poor packing technique, she ran out of bags I asked her for paper for my remaining items. She proceeded to put my potatoes into a plastic bag saying "Oh this will be easier to carry". For Whom? She is not coming home with me to unload my car! Then she bagged my bread into a paper bag. Grant me patience. Now I have 4 bags to carry. So I left the store and dumped out my potatoes and put the plastic bag into the recycling bin.
ALSO, if I wave you across the parking lot or road while I am driving, please do me the courtesy of crossing directly across and not on the world's longest diagonal which is impeding my driving away. No wonder no one is ever courteous-it doesn't pay!
I also ran into the grocery store to pick up a few things we were out of and brought along 2 of my reusable bags. The checker ( a woman who appeared to be in her 50's) carried on a whole long conversation with another checker for the duration of my order. When, due to her poor packing technique, she ran out of bags I asked her for paper for my remaining items. She proceeded to put my potatoes into a plastic bag saying "Oh this will be easier to carry". For Whom? She is not coming home with me to unload my car! Then she bagged my bread into a paper bag. Grant me patience. Now I have 4 bags to carry. So I left the store and dumped out my potatoes and put the plastic bag into the recycling bin.
ALSO, if I wave you across the parking lot or road while I am driving, please do me the courtesy of crossing directly across and not on the world's longest diagonal which is impeding my driving away. No wonder no one is ever courteous-it doesn't pay!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Clinton and Stacey would be proud
Sunday I will be attending a going away brunch at the Museum of Art for a wonderful person I've worked with for the past 7 years.
In need of a new outfit; today I decided to go out shopping. We are really between seasons-all the summer strappy things are on clearance and much of the new stuff screams winter. Went to several local stores and tried on lots of stuff in the pursuit of that perfect outfit- many styles and colors I wouldn't normally try. In one store I tried on a dark brown shirtdress, which, while it fit, didn't quite do it for me. Not to throw in the towel, I channeled WNTW, took the dress and found a burgandy cami and a much wider belt than came with the dress and also tried on that combo. In the end, I still didn't love it; and unfortunately no one was around to ask. Wouldn't C +S be proud?
Several observations about today's trip- Why is the lighting so bad in changing room? Why is the changing room so small? Why does my hair look so awful ?( I'm sure it's from pulling clothes over my head) Why do dress manufacturers ignore female shape and fashion dresses the same width shoulder to hem (as if beanpole figures are the only ones buying dresses)? Why do they never have my shoe size in the perfect for fall shoes?
I ended up with several pairs of pants-and a much needed haircut.
In need of a new outfit; today I decided to go out shopping. We are really between seasons-all the summer strappy things are on clearance and much of the new stuff screams winter. Went to several local stores and tried on lots of stuff in the pursuit of that perfect outfit- many styles and colors I wouldn't normally try. In one store I tried on a dark brown shirtdress, which, while it fit, didn't quite do it for me. Not to throw in the towel, I channeled WNTW, took the dress and found a burgandy cami and a much wider belt than came with the dress and also tried on that combo. In the end, I still didn't love it; and unfortunately no one was around to ask. Wouldn't C +S be proud?
Several observations about today's trip- Why is the lighting so bad in changing room? Why is the changing room so small? Why does my hair look so awful ?( I'm sure it's from pulling clothes over my head) Why do dress manufacturers ignore female shape and fashion dresses the same width shoulder to hem (as if beanpole figures are the only ones buying dresses)? Why do they never have my shoe size in the perfect for fall shoes?
I ended up with several pairs of pants-and a much needed haircut.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Good intentions
So the end of summer came and with it all the busyness of getting ready for school; thus blogging went by the wayside despite my best intentions.
We spent part of the week before school at our friends cottage near Caledonia State Park, then the rest of the week at Delaware Seashore state park. Both spots were wonderful with cool nights and warm days-a good end to the summer. I'm going to get my pics together and post a summer wrap up!
School started Monday after coming back from the beach. S likes her teacher (who she knows from the playground), and we know her as well as A had her a few years ago. Should be a fun year for her. A likes the diversity of middle school-especially having lots of different teachers.
Since everyone has been talking about Hanna- she was here as well. We had rain most of Saturday, everything from drizzle to gusty, pounding rain. Lots of leaves and small sticks down, but no major problems for us. By 10 last night she was gone leaving behind a beautifully clear and cool night; 68 when I got up this morning, sunny and clear skies.
We watched a couple of movies this weekend with the yuccky weather: Nim's Island which was cute if not far fetched and not what I expected from the preview; and Mad Money which was a lot better than I expected with several laugh out loud moments.
D is off at a half Iron man in Delaware, hope he is having as beautiful a day there. I'm sure he'll blog about it later.
We spent part of the week before school at our friends cottage near Caledonia State Park, then the rest of the week at Delaware Seashore state park. Both spots were wonderful with cool nights and warm days-a good end to the summer. I'm going to get my pics together and post a summer wrap up!
School started Monday after coming back from the beach. S likes her teacher (who she knows from the playground), and we know her as well as A had her a few years ago. Should be a fun year for her. A likes the diversity of middle school-especially having lots of different teachers.
Since everyone has been talking about Hanna- she was here as well. We had rain most of Saturday, everything from drizzle to gusty, pounding rain. Lots of leaves and small sticks down, but no major problems for us. By 10 last night she was gone leaving behind a beautifully clear and cool night; 68 when I got up this morning, sunny and clear skies.
We watched a couple of movies this weekend with the yuccky weather: Nim's Island which was cute if not far fetched and not what I expected from the preview; and Mad Money which was a lot better than I expected with several laugh out loud moments.
D is off at a half Iron man in Delaware, hope he is having as beautiful a day there. I'm sure he'll blog about it later.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The orioles AAA team , the Ironbirds, have a ball park nearby and last night was the school sponsored night out. It was perfect weather in the low 70's and low humidity which almost never happens during baseball season! It was a good game and the Ironbirds won, getting them out of the basement for this week.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hail, Hail the storm was here
Saturday started out as a beautiful, cool and sunny day. About 3 p.m. I started hearing rumbles of thunder way in the distance. D returned from a 60 mile bike ride just in the nick of time. The storm rolled in, sky turned black and the rain came down along with some hail. The picture shows the biggest of the lot, ranging in size down to pea size. If you can see it,the small white dots in the tree pic are the hail. Amazingly, no damage done to the house or cars. After the storm temp down to 68!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
So I sat down on Wednesday evening to get my new post out and a huge storm blew through and immediately knocked out the cable. A couple of hours later the power went out. Luckily it was only out for a few hours, coming back on around 2 a.m. We had 2 1/2 inches of rain!
Back to blueberries. We have 60 pounds of the beauties. Yes, 60. No typo. We used to go out each July to pick our own. Not difficult, the bushes are generally around 5', but in hot and humid July always a sweaty endevor. Once the kids came along, we were very limited in the amount of time we could convice them to do this. Kids are not much into delayed gratification, though they could actually eat the fruit that was picked. Needless to say, we haven't picked our own for years.
D was talking to a coworker who said he bought blueberries yearly from a lady who picked for him. The first year we ordered 20 pounds. It seemed like a lot; but we went through them like wildfire. Next year, 40 pounds, thinking surely this will last all year (blueberries freeze like a charm). Nope, we ate every last one and were reduced to buying frozen wild blueberries. So this year, 60 pounds. WOW it is a lot. We have two small freezers and they are packed full. Now I need to start baking to use up what didn't fit in the freezer. A la bubba gump: Blueberry pie, Blueberry crisp, Blueberry cobbler, Blueberry sauce, Blueberry bars . . . . .
Back to blueberries. We have 60 pounds of the beauties. Yes, 60. No typo. We used to go out each July to pick our own. Not difficult, the bushes are generally around 5', but in hot and humid July always a sweaty endevor. Once the kids came along, we were very limited in the amount of time we could convice them to do this. Kids are not much into delayed gratification, though they could actually eat the fruit that was picked. Needless to say, we haven't picked our own for years.
D was talking to a coworker who said he bought blueberries yearly from a lady who picked for him. The first year we ordered 20 pounds. It seemed like a lot; but we went through them like wildfire. Next year, 40 pounds, thinking surely this will last all year (blueberries freeze like a charm). Nope, we ate every last one and were reduced to buying frozen wild blueberries. So this year, 60 pounds. WOW it is a lot. We have two small freezers and they are packed full. Now I need to start baking to use up what didn't fit in the freezer. A la bubba gump: Blueberry pie, Blueberry crisp, Blueberry cobbler, Blueberry sauce, Blueberry bars . . . . .
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A lot went on this past week. We got new carpet in the downstairs, we went to the Ironbirds baseball game (the local AAA team), (Dave's) sister decided that she and her family are coming to visit next week, and we spent the weekend at Pat and Neil's cottage near Gettysburg PA.
The carpet is GREAT (see picture)!

Nice and soft under your feet and no stains on it yet! Cathy has made the downstairs a barefoot only zone and no eating or drinking (at least for the kids).
The Ironbirds game was a lot of fun. We had box seat tickets from BD and they were front row behind home plate. We had an excellent view of the field (better than the umpire on a couple of plays that were called very poorly).
JoAnn, Greg and the boys are coming on Thursday and staying until Tuesday. They have not been here for a couple of years so it will be good to see them.
We went to Pat and Neil's cottage for the weekend, always a good time (see picture).

Becky was there with her newest motorcycle (see picture).

After lunch on Saturday we went to the local quarry to swim. We had a good time in the water and watching all the interesting local people (be glad there are no pictures). Sunday morning I (Dave) biked a little over 50 miles while the others hung out a the cottage and had pancakes. When I got back Cathy made me plate of them and then we hung out until after lunch. On the way out we stopped at a local fruit stand and bought sweet cherries, plums, peaches, and apricots. The plums are too ripe, they tingle on your tongue when you eat them.
The carpet is GREAT (see picture)!
Nice and soft under your feet and no stains on it yet! Cathy has made the downstairs a barefoot only zone and no eating or drinking (at least for the kids).
The Ironbirds game was a lot of fun. We had box seat tickets from BD and they were front row behind home plate. We had an excellent view of the field (better than the umpire on a couple of plays that were called very poorly).
JoAnn, Greg and the boys are coming on Thursday and staying until Tuesday. They have not been here for a couple of years so it will be good to see them.
We went to Pat and Neil's cottage for the weekend, always a good time (see picture).
Becky was there with her newest motorcycle (see picture).
After lunch on Saturday we went to the local quarry to swim. We had a good time in the water and watching all the interesting local people (be glad there are no pictures). Sunday morning I (Dave) biked a little over 50 miles while the others hung out a the cottage and had pancakes. When I got back Cathy made me plate of them and then we hung out until after lunch. On the way out we stopped at a local fruit stand and bought sweet cherries, plums, peaches, and apricots. The plums are too ripe, they tingle on your tongue when you eat them.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunshine and Summertime
I had Friday off, giving me a long weekend, which is a rarity in the summer months. We had nice, hot, sunny days which were perfect for lazing around by the pool.
Our friends came over Friday and Saturday with their new puppy, Goldie, who is a 10 week old yellow labrador retriever. He is very cute and looking at his ears and paws you can see how big he is going to get. Apparently, having a puppy is much like having a baby. He is up a lot at night, needs tons of attention, and chews on everything. I am so not going there.
After hanging out around the pool all day I fired up the grill and cooked some delicious chicken/basil/mozzerella sausages, and we had our first corn on the cob of the year. We capped things off with a succulently sweet watermelon; which the kids wore about as much as they ate. They also had a seed spitting contest (but not many seeds in a seedless watermelon). Alex went on an overnight with his friend and slept out in the backyard in a tent.
Sunday was spent doing the enevitable yard work; which is rewarding but back breaking. The pool beckoned this afternoon, and with the kids elsewhere, mom and dad had a peaceful hour floating around with a cold drink and chatting happily.
Our friends came over Friday and Saturday with their new puppy, Goldie, who is a 10 week old yellow labrador retriever. He is very cute and looking at his ears and paws you can see how big he is going to get. Apparently, having a puppy is much like having a baby. He is up a lot at night, needs tons of attention, and chews on everything. I am so not going there.
After hanging out around the pool all day I fired up the grill and cooked some delicious chicken/basil/mozzerella sausages, and we had our first corn on the cob of the year. We capped things off with a succulently sweet watermelon; which the kids wore about as much as they ate. They also had a seed spitting contest (but not many seeds in a seedless watermelon). Alex went on an overnight with his friend and slept out in the backyard in a tent.
Sunday was spent doing the enevitable yard work; which is rewarding but back breaking. The pool beckoned this afternoon, and with the kids elsewhere, mom and dad had a peaceful hour floating around with a cold drink and chatting happily.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday July 12; triathlon
I participated in a triathlon today (1 mile swim, 27 mile bike, 5 mile run). The race went very well . I was hoping to finish in about 2.5 hours and it took me 2:32:50, so I was right on! The swim was too warm for a wet suit (84F). I finished in about 30 minutes and that is my average time for a 1 mile swim. The bike course was pretty technical (hilly) with a 1 mile 7.5% grade clime around mile 21! I averaged 19.3 MPH on the bike which is good for me. The run went well, hot, but good. I only got passed by two people on the run and I held a good pace. Overall I was 74th out of about 450 people, so I am very happy with that.
All and al l a good race.
All and al l a good race.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wednesday, July 9
We had a lot of rain here on Sunday, so after Sarah’s horse show we went out to lunch and saw the movie WALL-E. It was a cute movie with a good message, don’t trash the planet and don’t be a lazy slug (although I am not sure the kids ever get the message in movies). The weather has been hot and humid, typical July weather for Maryland but it is suppose to cool off and be less humid later in the week. We will see if that happens!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Alex's week
1st post
Busy week here in Maryland. Sarah participated in her first horse show with the pony she's been riding for lessons-MJ (her 1st show as well). Both did well despite 1st time jitters. They were awarded 5th place in one lead line class and 1st place, blue ribbon in lead line horsemanship. We were glad our classes were early, as the sky opened up and we were deluged with cold rain. We quickly loaded up the horses and came home, soggy but happy and proud.
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