The carpet is GREAT (see picture)!
Nice and soft under your feet and no stains on it yet! Cathy has made the downstairs a barefoot only zone and no eating or drinking (at least for the kids).
The Ironbirds game was a lot of fun. We had box seat tickets from BD and they were front row behind home plate. We had an excellent view of the field (better than the umpire on a couple of plays that were called very poorly).
JoAnn, Greg and the boys are coming on Thursday and staying until Tuesday. They have not been here for a couple of years so it will be good to see them.
We went to Pat and Neil's cottage for the weekend, always a good time (see picture).
Becky was there with her newest motorcycle (see picture).
After lunch on Saturday we went to the local quarry to swim. We had a good time in the water and watching all the interesting local people (be glad there are no pictures). Sunday morning I (Dave) biked a little over 50 miles while the others hung out a the cottage and had pancakes. When I got back Cathy made me plate of them and then we hung out until after lunch. On the way out we stopped at a local fruit stand and bought sweet cherries, plums, peaches, and apricots. The plums are too ripe, they tingle on your tongue when you eat them.
is that a snake eating a lobster?
Carpet looks good, the room looks strangely empty. We are off to Santa Claus, IN tomorrow, we'll update the blog soon!
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