Friday, November 14, 2008


A. left for a scouting trip to New Jersey before I arrived home from work. All the lights in the upstairs were left on-not particularly unusual for him. His clothing was left in a pile in the kitchen (not where I would change my clothes) and had not flushed the toilet (use your imagination).
This is the child who rails against our giving him specific step by step instructions "because I know what to do!" "you don't have to tell me everything". Hmmmmm

Monday, November 3, 2008

A tissue please

I watched a couple of movies this weekend while my husband was away visiting his grandmother. Romantic comedy was on the agenda.
I watched 27 Dresses, which my sister reviewed and didn't love. I liked it. It was predictable, but I don't want any crazy surprises like the heroine getting offed in the last minute of the movie.
Movie # 2 was P.S. I love you. It was not what I had anticipated based on the jacket cover. It was about a couple who had been married 10 years, and the husband dies (in the first 10 minutes, we don't see this, we join in at the wake). Not so much comedy. 3 weeks after the funeral is the wife's birthday and her husband had arranged a cake and letter to be delivered to her. He tells her to go out and do certain things and that there will be other letters to come. So the movie is her remembering their love, mourning him, and learning she must go on . I would alternately laugh and then cry. It was a tissue box movie. Good thing I was alone.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

vagaries of the weather

Yesterday 76 and bright sunshine. Today 50 and overcast. Blah. Welcome to November!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Boo to you

May the force be with you. As you can see,we had a star wars themed halloween. Surprisingly, with the popularity of star wars this year, we were the only group clad as such. Usual large amount of teens in no costume or in football jerseys- I want them to put forth a little effort and dress up if they want candy!