Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Clinton and Stacey would be proud

Sunday I will be attending a going away brunch at the Museum of Art for a wonderful person I've worked with for the past 7 years.
In need of a new outfit; today I decided to go out shopping. We are really between seasons-all the summer strappy things are on clearance and much of the new stuff screams winter. Went to several local stores and tried on lots of stuff in the pursuit of that perfect outfit- many styles and colors I wouldn't normally try. In one store I tried on a dark brown shirtdress, which, while it fit, didn't quite do it for me. Not to throw in the towel, I channeled WNTW, took the dress and found a burgandy cami and a much wider belt than came with the dress and also tried on that combo. In the end, I still didn't love it; and unfortunately no one was around to ask. Wouldn't C +S be proud?
Several observations about today's trip- Why is the lighting so bad in changing room? Why is the changing room so small? Why does my hair look so awful ?( I'm sure it's from pulling clothes over my head) Why do dress manufacturers ignore female shape and fashion dresses the same width shoulder to hem (as if beanpole figures are the only ones buying dresses)? Why do they never have my shoe size in the perfect for fall shoes?
I ended up with several pairs of pants-and a much needed haircut.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good intentions

So the end of summer came and with it all the busyness of getting ready for school; thus blogging went by the wayside despite my best intentions.

We spent part of the week before school at our friends cottage near Caledonia State Park, then the rest of the week at Delaware Seashore state park. Both spots were wonderful with cool nights and warm days-a good end to the summer. I'm going to get my pics together and post a summer wrap up!

School started Monday after coming back from the beach. S likes her teacher (who she knows from the playground), and we know her as well as A had her a few years ago. Should be a fun year for her. A likes the diversity of middle school-especially having lots of different teachers.

Since everyone has been talking about Hanna- she was here as well. We had rain most of Saturday, everything from drizzle to gusty, pounding rain. Lots of leaves and small sticks down, but no major problems for us. By 10 last night she was gone leaving behind a beautifully clear and cool night; 68 when I got up this morning, sunny and clear skies.

We watched a couple of movies this weekend with the yuccky weather: Nim's Island which was cute if not far fetched and not what I expected from the preview; and Mad Money which was a lot better than I expected with several laugh out loud moments.

D is off at a half Iron man in Delaware, hope he is having as beautiful a day there. I'm sure he'll blog about it later.